Thursday, October 23, 2008


i saw read on lawrence's( and saw an interesting blog about the existence of GOD. well, this might be a sensitive issue for some. ok, some say of God doesn't exist just because MAN ARE SUFFERING. as in lawrence's blog the barber said if GOD exist , there wont be suffering( eg: sick people, abandoned children,suffering,pain) . yes, we might be asking this question. WHY? yet, Gods wisdom is greater than what humans can ever think off. God knows. very well, that if He provides human with all his necessary things and a life without suffering nor pain, human will forget to seek God. it has been natural for humans to seek God at times of trouble. but remember this, God wont allow suffering nor temptations more than what a man can with stand. we are His children. so, frens, believe in God . Thank You

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