Thursday, February 19, 2009

sorry frens....

i's very very sorry for abondoning my blog once again...its just i dont know whereto start after my vacation in Tanjong Jara...ok let me start with what happened today... morning, i went to church to settle soem stuff before meeting up with Pravin as what i do almost everyday...we went to parade...after, coming back home, i found out that Pravin stole my phone!. what la pravin u, yesterday u took my specs today my phone pulak..i know ur a great supporter of mine but dont la be like this...ISH!.hahaha.. than later at night went to frenas cafe with Lawrence, Wendy and Yee Mun..we had great time there..hahah... will upload the photos later ..mayb 2moro... take care..


Pravin said...

deyh panni!
mana ada i curi! =p

~JoNamasoo~ said...

u mmg curi punya la...
apa terambil...
sakai betul...