however, there is alot of misunderstanding in this and external traditionals has been often associated with life of christianity.
as i am from an indian background, i have personally seen many of this kind of cases where this matter have been massed up! as for an example, i have seen an elderly chiristian man who believes that " not eating mutton on the 1st day of the year is good! , it will have effect for the entire year"..this kind of believe is something very very weird in christian's life and there should not be any room for it. we Christians has been bought for a price(the blood of Christ) and it is not our duty at all to seek blessing through this idiotic and corrupted way! this things are not going to please God!!
being honest in church plays another crucial part in christians life. serving makes someone special.but one must always have the intention to be special through serving in Gods eye and not in mans eye. if you want to have the special attention of MAn, there are many other places you could archive it. schools, office and etc..there are many many places..but serving in church should be an honest and sincere service to God!! and it is ststed in the bible that people who gather in church and worship together with you are your brothers and sisters.. so, "brother" & sister" is a common word to be heard in the church. However, how many of us are actually, by heart sincerely saying it?
the one and only way to please our God is by keeping His law's right and living a Christ's life. LAST but not least, "honesty is the best policy"